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Biblio You Publishing Assistants -- Book Cover Designers

Publishing Assistants -- Book Cover Designers

*Note: All Publishing Assistants listed on this page are independent contractors, and are not affiliated with BiblioYou. It is suggested that an author always request samples of a PA's work, or partial execution of their task, before entering into a contract for the project.

The cover of a book is the first "sales pitch" for the book! Studies have shown that readers do make the decision to buy a book partially based on its cover. A great cover grabs the reader's attention, inviting them to take a look at the book. It appeals to their senses. It informs about the nature and topic of the book. If the subject of a book is appealing to the reader, they will take another look at the cover, then the back cover. Then they will decide whether or not to buy. And, if there is more than one book available, the book cover will become the tie breaker. So, it is not an understatement to say that book covers sell books!

A cover designer is an essential professional for almost every author. Unless the author is a strong designer themselves, they should make the investment of hiring a good cover designer. The cost to have a book cover created for a book can range from several hundred dollars, to thousands of dollars. The question is: after spending months or years writing a book, don't you want to give it its best chance for success by giving it a great cover?

Book Cover Designers

Jennifer Bitler, Doxology Design

Jennifer Bitler started Doxology Design in the fall of 2006 to use her God-given talents to give back to the Lord. With over 19 years of professional design experience, she specializes in print and digital/web graphic design. She has extensive experience with book cover design, page layout, marketing materials and more.

Professional graphic design costs vary. Please contact for an estimate.

Contact Jennifer Bitler at to discuss your project.