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Biblio You Publishing Assistants -- Book Marketers

Publishing Assistants -- Book Marketers

*Note: All Publishing Assistants listed on this page are independent contractors, and are not affiliated with BiblioYou. It is suggested that an author always request samples of a PA's work, recommendations from previous clients, or partial execution of their task, before entering into a contract for the project.

Most authors say the same thing: "The hardest part of writing a book is the marketing." To be a "successful" author it is suggested that you devote a portion of your time to marketing on a consistent basis. Many experts suggest that at least an hour a day regularly be schedule for marketing each book. There are many facets of book marketing that can improve sales. For more development of the marketing discussion, please visit the BiblioYou Tutorial page for articles about book marketing.

Not every author is inclined to, or has the ability to market their book. Some authors don't want to spend the time. Some don't have a personality that lends itself to putting themselves out there as a sales person. Some authors believe that it is better to be prolific with their writing, and would rather spend more time writing more books (There's something to be said about this strategy). Although an author should still make an effort, even with these philosophies, there are professionals who can help.

Book Marketers